In a nutshell, CCG exists to make small clients big clients, and make big clients more profitable.

While communicating with the marketplace has become particularly complicated, the base science hasn’t changed.  Essentially it’s the same as it was when the basic empirical data was collected back in the 19th century – the seller needs to be top of mind when the prospect has arrived at the decision to buy.  Sounds simple.  It isn’t.  And it’s getting less simple as each new social and business contact scheme elbows its way into the new media category.  The complications created by such a variety of digital applications and mediums for exposure to a buyer are made even more challenging by the fact that the same digital technology has enabled the buyer to build impressive barriers around themselves, accepting contact from only those they choose.  These electronic gatekeepers are as hard to circumvent as the watchful executive assistant.   Access is not impossible however.  The buyer has the need to know about what the market can offer in order to make the informed buying decisions their job requires, and they are clearly aware of that.  Our job then is to be informative and efficient in the delivery of the need-to-know data for the buyer, adding value at every exchange